9 Health, Hair and Hygiene Mistakes You Might be Making

There are many health, hair and hygiene mistakes that most of us make without even realising. Even when you think you are doing the right thing, it is often the case you are not. From taking your shower too hot to mistakes when cooking, here are some of the most common.


Making your hair look good has many benefits, including boosting confidence. But there is no one right way to do it. Everyone is different and has varying requirements. You may not even think about high or low porosity when it comes to your hair and just buy shampoo based on whether you have straight or curly or dry or greasy hair. But how much water your hair can absorb plays a vital role in the products you must use. So keep this in mind when buying!


We all love getting clean and taking a relaxing bath or shower. Another common mistake is that most people have a temperature that is far too high! Hot water strips your hair and skin of the natural oils they need to protect themselves from the stress of the day. Try gradually turning down the heat until you can comfortably take a lukewarm shower. This is between 36 and 40°C. It can be tricky if you are used to very hot showers, but your hair and skin will thank you for it!


It can take a long time to find clothes that make you look your best. One of the major reasons is that most people don’t consider their body type and try to wear anything. Any stylist will tell you that dressing for body type is the most critical way to make yourself look (and feel) great about how you dress. There are different body types, such as ectomorph, mesomorphic and endomorphic. Learn which body type you are to begin the journey of making positive changes.


There’s no real reason to use excessive makeup. Makeup is designed to enhance the features you have and not transform them! It can be an up-and-down process when you don’t recognise yourself in the mirror, and it can affect your mental health. There are also physical issues. Makeup is made from potentially harmful chemicals. Using too much all the time clogs up pores and causes breakouts, rashes and blemishes. This is why you should always clean your face.


Some of the worst health mistakes are focused on sexual hygiene. Poor sexual health will result in severe issues such as UTIs and STIs like chlamydia. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about, as 1 in 25 people contract an STI at some point. To reduce this, try the following suggestions:

You need to pee after sex to flush excess fluids from your system
Peeing before sex can increase the chances of contracting a UTI in women
Washing before being intimate will help remove potentially harmful bacteria
Failing to clean your intimate areas after having sex can increase bacteria
Of course, safe sex is best practised using condoms to reduce STIs
Like personal cleaning gadgets, marital aids must be cleaned and stored properly
Getting checked for STIs often will help reduce the chances of getting one
Reduce how much sexual contact you have, especially with multiple partners
Even if you have one sexual partner, it helps to get checked for STIs because you really never know. Some can remain dormant with no symptoms but cause issues later on. Good personal hygiene before and after sex is often enough to vastly reduce the chances of contracting an STI.


Taking care of yourself can feel like too much sometimes. However, for optimal health, we must also remember to address the smaller things as well as the major outward issues. For example, trimming your nails, exfoliating, and shaving will help reduce some health and hygiene issues. These are seemingly minor tasks that can have a much larger effect on your personal physical and mental health. At the very least, they’re just more jobs you don’t need to stress about!


We’ve mentioned hair above. Your hair can be affected by the wrong shampoo types and the heat of a shower. You might think that washing your every day is a good thing. And it can be. But for many women, you only need to wash your hair around three times per week! This allows your hair to keep its natural oils and moisture, whereas cleansing products can strip these away. Products such as dry shampoo can help on those days when you don’t wash your hair.


You must be very careful when preparing meals. If you cook fresh food, there is a higher chance of making a mistake. Each year, over 128,000 people are taken to the hospital because of food-related illnesses in the US! Raw meat and fish are especially harmful. Take care not to cross-contaminate different types of meat or place cooked food next to raw food in the fridge. It also helps to organise your fridge and freezer and keep your hands as clean as possible.


Physical health and hygiene will improve your life in so many ways. But some of the problems we have in life aren’t immediately noticeable or visible. Mental health issues have a way of creeping up on you, and no one is impervious to them. Address any changes that you notice by speaking to friends, family and health professionals. Anger, anxiety and stress are symptoms of mental health problems and can manifest for various reasons, including work and family life.


Only buying hair care products based on type is one of the hygiene mistakes you can make. You must also stay vigilant and hygienic when it comes to sexual health to avoid STIs and other problems. Mindfulness and self-care can help you notice mental health issues that can arise.

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